Infographic - Marketing: 2024 Social Media Cheat Sheet


Goal: Target social media managers to drive brand awareness and position STN Digital as an industry expert.

Process: Building off of the 2024 Social Best Practices process, I researched what dimensions each platform uses for their images and videos. After finalizing that information, I worked with the Marketing Designer, Joe, to create content that displayed these dimensions in an engaging and easy-to-read way. 

Once the content was finalized and ready to be published, I created a distribution plan that included multiple social posts aligned with emails and newsletters, an announcement email, 6 emails where this content was featured, and a paid media plan. For the paid media plan, we had separate strategies that targeted the entertainment and sports industries individually, as well as a more general target. The goal to target these industries separately was to generate leads in both industries. We had a general target as well in order to drive brand awareness for those who may not be in the sports and entertainment industries.

Result: 93 unique downloads, 28 new Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs). The MQLs included Wieden+Kennedy, LA28 Olympics, and Draft Kings.

 Team: Nikki, Joe


MLB Social Media Performance Report

