Report - Marketing: MLB Social Media Performance Report


Goal: Target both decision makers and social media managers to position STN Digital as an industry expert, and promote the Audits and Playbooks service.

Process: I led a team of four in researching and gathering data from the 2023 season, and conceptualizing the design. The data we pulled was from all 30 MLB teams, and we presented it in a 19 page report. Inside the report, we broke down each team's overall engagement per post, as well as breaking down the engagement per post for different social platforms--Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), and TikTok. We included a case study on the top team's success for each platform, as well as the top 3 posts for each platform. At the end of the report, we included our top three takeaways that anyone reading it should walk away with.

Our wonderful Marketing Designer took my concept, and ran with it. Together, we ideated and created assets that tied into the report, including a landing page banner, email header, multiple social posts, and a custom landing page background.

Additionally, I created a distribution plan, that included a landing page, two original social media posts, one announcement email, and 5 emails where this report was featured in different outreach sequences. I also presented all of this information to the CEO to use in a podcast episode where he broke down these stats and gave his opinion on them.

Result: 47 unique downloads, 29 new Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs). Those who downloaded included a variety of MLB teams, and LA28 Olympics.

 Team: Nikki, Joe, Trevor, Jason, Kevin


NFL Schedule Release Performance Report


Social Media Cheat Sheet