Report - Marketing: NFL Schedule Release Performance Report


Goal: Target both decision makers and social media managers to position STN Digital as an industry expert, and promote the Audits and Playbooks service.

Process: NFL Schedule Release is always a hyped up day across social, as fans tune in to see how teams trends and unique ideas to release their schedules. Among the 2024 releases, some teams utilized illustrations, nostalgic moments, and inside jokes with the fans. 

I led a team of four in researching and gathering data from the 2024 schedule release on X (Twitter), and conceptualizing the design. Throughout this process, I worked with the CEO to get his input on everything. Within 12 hours from the schedule releases, we had gathered the data on who which teams had the highest engagement, and released a teaser social post showing the top 5 teams within the first 12 hours. Within 48 hours, we finalized the data on engagement performance across all the teams, including the 3 top posts and recurring themes (ie: 47% of teams used jabs at their opponents in their release videos). Within 4 business days, we finalized the design and I completed the distribution plan.

Together, our Marketing Designer and myself ideated and conceptualized the design. I wanted it to be bright and scroll stopping, and because this was all based on one specific social platform, the idea was to show the data through a person's POV looking at their phone. 

For the distribution plan, I created multiple social posts, including a teaser post, a landing page, an announcement email, an "In Case You Missed It" email, and 3 emails where this piece of content was featured in. 

Result: 20 unique downloads, 10 new Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs)

 Team: Nikki, Joe, Trevor, Jason, Kevin


2024 Social Best Practices


MLB Social Media Performance Report