Landing Page - Marketing: 2024 Social Best Practices


Goal: Target social media managers and decision makers to position STN Digital as an industry expert, drive brand awareness, and promote the Social Media Content service.

Process: Starting in November 2023, I began the long process of researching all the best practices for each platform. With guidance from my Director, we narrowed down what we believed to be the important stats. I then reached out to several members across our social and analytics teams to ask for their opinion on best practices across different platforms. After finalizing this information, I kicked off the design process with our Marketing Designer, Joe.

For the next few months, I worked closely with Joe to create a brand new website that displayed all this information, including information about STN Digital, in a clean, easy-to-read, dynamic and engaging way.

The idea behind creating a new website, instead of just an infographic, is that each year we would add on to this website with the new year's best practices. That way, the website grows with us and social media managers can always see information from previous years.

While the website was being finalized, I created a strategy on how to promote this content. My plan included multiple social posts, emails (including 6 emails where this content was featured), and a paid media strategy.. 

Result: 119 unique downloads, 49 new Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs). Those those who downloaded it included multiple professional sports teams, Wieden+Kennedy, and LA28 Olympics.

 Team: Nikki, Alex, Joe


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